Ezoic Requirements For Monetization And How To Qualify To Increase Ad Revenue

Ezoic Integration can boost YOUR ad revenue to great lengths in minimal time. In the current blogging trends, Ezoic is considered to be a need with AdSense to make the best out of your ad revenue.

However, Ezoic integrations have some requirements you need to fulfill to qualify yourself for the boost in monetization!

Personally, I have integrated 7 websites (including this one) to Ezoic in minimal time, using the same method that always works, indefinitely!

This right method can save you a ton of time and effort, and ultimately helps your website qualify for Ezoic immediately, bringing in the boost of ad revenue instantaneously!

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What Is Ezoic?

Ezoic is a free and interactive platform for content publishers and website managers to organize and streamline their web presence and generate more ad revenue.

Ezoic helps content creators with better SEO, monetization and ad revenue, better website speed, layout and infrastructure, and more.

With all these features, Ezoic is an extremely friendly tool that almost all bloggers are familiar with.

Including me, many bloggers have seen a spike in their website’s earnings and Google rankings after integrating with Ezoic. 

Ezoic Vs. AdSense Monetization

Ezoic Ads Management is a great tool when it comes to content monetization and ad revenue.

In fact, Ezoic integration almost always increases ad revenue by 30-50%.

In my case personally, this blog’s earning with and without Ezoic had a huge margin of 150$!

See also  Setting Up Ads.txt in Ezoic (With Pictures)

Basically, Ezoic isn’t an Adsense competitor, but an enhancer of some sort. What Ezoic does is use your Google Adsense data and performs various website tests that may help in increasing website traffic and boosting ad revenue.

With Ezoic, your ads are shown in different locations using AI (artificial intelligence) which becomes the judge of the best ad position to use and also performs automatic ad testing; ultimately achieving more website earnings.

Ezoic Leap, on the other hand, helps website managers find ways and fixes to increase website speed, optimize and automate content, create better UI/UX, and help their websites rank higher on the Google SERPs. 

How To Sign Up In Ezoic

Now that you know all the benefits of an Ezoic integration, let’s get you signed up.

Creating an account with Ezoic doesn’t take more than a single minute. It also doesn’t require any technical or coding experience or any contract to join.

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If you want to view the step by step guide on how to sign up in Ezoic for websites with less than 10k views per month or websites with more, click here.

Once you’re done with signing up, your application will be approved or denied in less than 24 hours, with complete set up and integration of your website to Ezoic.

What Are The Ezoic Requirements For Ads And Monetization?

Ezoic doesn’t have any requirements for their site speed accelerator tool

However, if you wish to get your website monetized with Ezoic and run ads through it, there are 4 requirements you will need to fulfil.

Requirement #1: Site Size

There are two entry routes into ezoic’s system for monetization. First one requires you to have enough page views to be catered into related publisher group called LEVELS.

1. Ezoic Requirments for Level System

Ezoic requires your website to have at least 10,000 site visits per month.

See also  How To Sign Up And Set Up Ezoic Monetization (With Pictures)

Any website with less than 10,000 visits is considered to not have a big enough size or have enough data for Ezoic’s AI to function and optimize the website.

If your website does get 10,000 visits per month, congratulations!

2. Ezoic Access Now Program For New Publishers

If you have less then 10,000 visits, You can still get accepted in ezoic with their Access now program. Ezoic access now program enables new publishers to monetize their growing blog at a much sooner stage.

ezoic requirments chart

If your website does not get 10,000 visits per month, here are a few practices that can help you achieve that goal:

  1. Invest time and money in SEO
  2. Conduct an SEO Audit
  3. Market your website with social media shares 
  4. Increase website speed 
  5. Add value to the content 
  6. Get off-page backlinks

Requirement #2: Compliance With Google Policies

Google has a set of policies that website publishers need to comply with in order to monetize their content.

These policies are made in an attempt to promote fair use of content and rights within that content to their rightful owners.

Some of the policies include posting original content (no plagiarism), no keyword spamming, no invalid clicks, etc.

Visit and go through the Google Publisher’s Policies in order to ensure your website complies with the policies mentioned.

Requirement #3: Unique Content

In addition to the Google Publisher’s Policies, Ezoic also promotes and only allows publishers to be integrated with those who upload original and relevant content.

This means your website should be closely in the form of a blog, where articles share information that is unique and the content is rich and extensive.

Ezoic currently does not work with commercial websites such as corporate brand websites E-commerce websites.

Requirement #4: AdSense Integration

For Ezoic Integration your website needs to be supported with Google AdSense and you must have an Ad Manager Account.

See also  7 Ezoic Leap Settings That Boosts Website & Page Speed

If you do have that, you’re also required to be in a good relationship with Google. This means you shouldn’t have an AdSense account with strikes or penalties that show your website to be fraudulent or scammy,

These are all the requirements you need to fulfil to apply for a complete Ezoic Integration.

All of these are easily achievable. Probably the hardest step would be to get 10,000 views a month on your website, but if your content is good and your SEO is maintained well, that goal too can easily be achieved. 

For further assistance in getting more website traffic, feel free to read our informatory blogs on how to manage and earn through websites.

On the other hand, if you have any more questions regarding Ezoic Integration, the FAQs below should help!

FAQs Regarding Ezoic Integration Requirements

Is My Website In Good Standing With Google (AdSense)?

Google contacts publishers on emails or in a system failure warning when you’re seen to be violating its policies.

If you haven’t been contacted by Google, that means they haven’t noticed anything suspicious on your website. 

So feel free to go ahead and apply for Ezoic integration.

What Web Hostings Does Ezoic Work With?

Ezoic works with all hostings so there is no need to worry about your website hosting platform. You can always apply for Ezoic integration no matter what web hosting your site has.

Would Ezoic Work With My Website Configurations?

Almost always, yes.

Ezoic is a very easy and interactive tool to work with. 

No matter how your website is made, whatever themes and plugins you have, or whatever CMS or automation shenanigans you may be using, Ezoic supports all that and offers to create an even better website for you.

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