How to Choose the Best Template for Your Email Campaign

Email campaigns are one of the most powerful tools in any marketer’s arsenal. If they’re done right, they can help you build relationships with customers and prospects, drive sales, and grow your business faster than other marketing channels.

According to a study by Campaign Monitor, emails with personalized subject lines are 26% more likely to be opened. Furthermore, a study by Litmus found that using a clear and simple layout can increase the click-through rate by up to 300%.

This article will reveal the secrets of choosing the best templates for the following email campaigns and cover details on the 7 MasterBundles email templates that work best. Let’s go!

Table of Contents

What should a perfect template be?

An email template is a pre-made design to create an email. Once you need it, you can hire a designer to develop it for you or visit a graphic design marketplace that cooperates with experienced professionals and pick only high-quality assets. 

If you ask me, The best themes for email have a consistent format, are user-friendly, and have attractive visual layouts.

A Perfect email template:

  • Must include all the text and images that will go into each email sent from your company.
  • Must be responsive to look good on all devices so that people will not need to go to a PC to read your message.

How to pick a suitable template?

The template you choose can make or break your campaign; it requires attention. Thus, the best way to select a theme is to consider your goals. Write down the following:

Who is your audience?

The first step in creating a successful template is knowing to who you’re sending it. For example, if you’re sending a professional newsletter to clients, you’ll want something more formal than sending a newsletter to friends and family members. Therefore, it is not speaking about the relevance of information.

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What do you want to achieve with the message?

Do you want to suggest a discount, remind of abandoned products, give some information, or educate? In any case, you make an impression and build your brand, thus letting your letter show who your company is.

What are the technical limits?

It would help if you also considered whether your audience prefers text-heavy or image-heavy emails. Think about how many pictures or other attachments you can include in each email without increasing the size. If recipients have limited storage space on their phones or computers, including too many pictures could cause inconveniences. 

Use some tips to become an email marketing strategist and think broader. Once you know your priorities, finding a suitable template is more effortless.

If you already have a company logo, colour scheme, and other branding elements, you can find an existing template that suits your needs. 

Some designers sell their templates on graphic design marketplaces. However, if you want to do something other than design work yourself or if you want something particular, You can check on MasterBundles for professional email templates! We prepared the seven worthy email templates below!

1. Canva Newsletter Template For Pet Care Business

1 Canva Newsletter Template For Pet Care Business

Choosing a suitable template for your email campaign can be a significant challenge.

This one has a clean, straightforward design. It is easy on the eyes and easy to read. Customize it to avoid complex designs with too many colours or fonts, making it easier for readers to focus on the content.

You can use it with Mailchimp and different software platforms and utilize all the included files. Besides, most of us check our emails on our phones, so make sure your template looks good everywhere — including on phones and tablets!

2. Canva Business Newsletter Template

2 Canva Business Newsletter Template

The e-commerce email template offers a range of options to help you create an informative and eye-catching letter.

It includes customizable design elements, such as background images, text formatting, colour palettes, and layout tools to ensure all the content looks great on different devices. Moreover, it also provides easy ways to embed videos and other media, including links that allow readers to view or download attachments. 

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As an online store, you may add subscription forms, reminders about forgotten products in the cart, and special offers which enable customers and prospects to sign up for your mailing list with a few clicks. Finally, this newsletter template also provides features such as analytics tracking, so you can see your campaigns’ success and make improvements accordingly. 

By taking advantage of the features available in business newsletter templates, you can quickly create engaging emails to help you reach your audience and grow your customer base.

3. Elderly Care Business Canva Newsletter Template

3 Elderly Care Business Canva Newsletter Template

With this template, creating beautiful and practical email newsletters is fast and easy. It includes many blocks, layouts for various devices, and compatibility with any screen size. You can work on it with your colleagues, customizing all the sections according to your needs.

Remember to write the call to action phrase, which prompts readers to take action and convert into loyal clients. Your call to action should be clear and concise so that people understand what you want them to do when they open your email.

4. Fashion Canva Newsletter Template

4 Fashion Canva Newsletter Template

A great email template should be simple, elegant, and easy to use. It should also include various sections to be customized for different purposes. For example, communicate with teammates, offer your services and bonuses to clients, and address newcomers. 

The body of your email template should contain the bulk of your content. It could be a single image with text overlaid on top, multiple images in sequence, blocks of text with embedded pictures, or any combination thereof. You can also include links within the body content to direct people to more information about what they’re looking at in their inboxes.

This beautiful template makes it easier for users to engage with your content because they’re more likely to believe your offering is worth their time and attention.

5. Canva Newsletter Template For Models and Fashion

5 Canva Newsletter Template For Models and Fashion

When picking an email template, there are several essential elements to consider. It includes a clear subject line and pre-header text that sets the stage for the message.

The visually appealing images, branded colours, and logos create recognition and trust with recipients, engaging content with a powerful call-to-action (CTA) button encouraging readers to take action and a footer with contact information and social media links. A well-designed template can make your emails look professional and prevent people from unsubscribing from your list.

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6. Email Signatures Bundle Pack

6 Email Signatures Bundle Pack 1

The Email Signatures Bundle Pack is perfect for busy professionals who need to make a great impression. It includes professionally designed, fully responsive email signatures tailored to your company and style. Each sign has various customizable elements, including logos, contact information, social media icons, etc. 

With the bundle pack, you can quickly create an entire suite of email signatures representing your brand the way you want. Plus, it is compatible with a wide range of email services, making it easy to integrate into your workflow. So make sure your emails look as good as you do with the Email Signatures Bundle Pack.

7. Canva Newsletter Template Fashion

7 Canva Newsletter Template Fashion 1

There are a few basic types of layouts that you can use in your email templates. With this template, you can turn your newsletter creation into art and make it look magical. 

The most common is the grid layout, where your content is arranged in rows and columns. The most famous example is the newsletter layout, which typically consists of a header, a central area, and a footer. Another popular option is the masonry layout, which arranges its content in boxes or tiles — like an image gallery or portfolio page. The advantage of this layout is that it makes it easy to see multiple images at once and allows for text-heavy content (like testimonials or product descriptions) to be placed alongside images without cluttering up the design too much.

Template Fashion offers the latest styles in apparel, footwear, and accessories that are perfect for any occasion. From casual weekend wear to a night out on the town, Template Fashion has something to suit everyone’s style! 


You can use the templates to increase engagement, boost click-throughs, and improve open rates. Whether you’re looking for a template to offer bonuses or something educational or entertaining, the themes have what you need! Good luck!

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