Which Website has the Most Ads?

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There are many websites that have advertisements, but most ads are displayed on Facebook. The website has 6 million+ active advertisers and according to Statista, around 2.93 billion users worldwide, which means there is an average of 1 ad every 10 seconds on Facebook  However, in terms of viewing ads, Google has a total of … Read more

9 Steps To A Technical SEO Audit – All You Need To Know Guide

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Your website needs a thorough Technical SEO Audit every once in a while to ensure its SEO health remains great and the website can enjoy higher rankings and traffic from Google, ultimately improving your website’s performance and profitability. SEO Auditing is basically an in-depth examination of your website that helps your website’s SEO remain optimized … Read more

Does Bolding Keywords Help Seo? Google Says Yes!

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We all know the importance of SEO to reach your audiences and gain more traffic to your website. But, how do you make the crawling easy for Google to determine your content or website to reach the top in SERPs? You can try bolding SEO keywords. Yes, it helps, and Google agrees.  “This is something … Read more