15 Top NFT Creators To Watch Out For

In the highly controlled world of art, digital artists are now rewriting history, overthrowing the original creators of art, along with their classic creations. Beeple, Hackatao, and PAK are now the top dogs of the art world, with their art becoming a must-buy for the ultra-rich. 

There is no turning a blind eye to the fact that digital art and collectibles are currently one of the hottest things and all gratitude goes towards NFTs. 

Ever since they broke the boundaries of the internet, Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs have taken the world of art, music, sports, and even now consumer products by a storm, and a whole new world of opportunities is at their feet. 

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What are NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are one-of-a-kind digital assets whose existence is only on the blockchain. These assets are very sought-after in the GameFi, art, and sports world and can roughly take on any shape or form.
NFTs first came out in 2012 and only now the selling price of NFTs is at an all-time high, with one admired NFT artist selling an NFT for an unparalleled $69 million.

When we talk about digital art NFTs, there is a vast sea of opportunities in front of us. It gives us a new and quirky way of expressing ourselves through a new avenue. 

15 Top NFT Creators Right Now

If you have not yet familiarized yourself with NFT artists, don’t worry, we got your back. 

Here’s our list of top NFT creators and artists you should definitely follow:


Mile Winklemann or Beeple is the third most prized artist alive today after he sold an NFT collage for $69.3 million, breaking all records. Before that the most he had ever sold was a print for $100. Talk about sky-rocketing.

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This Charleston native NFT artist also has set a world record after he sold cryptocurrency art worth $582,000 in just five minutes. He has designed concert visuals and videos for well-known and beloved rappers Eminem and Nicki Minaj.

Beeple is famously innovative, with a project called ‘Everydays’ that has been going on for 14 years, in which Mike creates and upload a new digital art every day.

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Beeple’s name has become synonymous with the word NFT, with all his NFT art landing this NFT creator a net worth of $50 million. 

2. PAK

Another one of the ruling elites of the NFT art world is the evasive PAK. He has chosen to stay anonymous, never even hinting about his real identity, which leads NFT art fans to nickname him (or her) as the ‘Satoshi of Crypto Art.’

He is a very sought-after artist, always being at the lead of digital media and crypto art. He is very admired on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, where millions of people follow him and not just ordinary people but also some very high profile figures, including Elon Musk. He sold 266,445 shares of NFT art for $91.8 million in December 2021 which makes him an obvious choice for our list. 


Not many NFT creators have a background in music. Fortunately for you, we found Justin 3LAU (Pronounced ‘Blau’), a Vegas-based DJ and producer with a net worth of $2 million.

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Even though he comes from a finance background, his performances are what propelled him into the ultra-famous crowd of NFT artists. He is a well-known musician and producer, popular for his individual DJ style and music hits that are chart-topping. He has garnered over a billion music streams across different platforms including Spotify, Soundcloud, and Youtube. 

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He is blazing trails in blockchain technology, constantly pushing boundaries to achieve more.


Micah Dowback or Mad Dog Jones as he’s also referred to as was the hand behind one of the most victorious auctions with his Crash+Burn series being sold for a dazzling $4.3 million. 

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This NFT artist’s specialty is digital construction which shows visions of dream worlds and cyberpunk themes. Summed up in a few words, his art style could be expressed as Japanese animation meets cyberpunk. One of his creations, Replicator has the capability of replicating or regenerating brand new and eccentric  NFTS every 38 days. 

The replicator was auctioned off for an eye-popping $4.1 million, shoving Mad Dog Jones firmly into the list of top NFT creators and securing him the title of The Most Expensive Living Canadian Artist.


The Bored Ape Yacht Club, plausibly the world’s biggest NFT project, came out in May and was selling for millions in a very short amount of time. However, the artist behind its base characters has zero ideas about the collection getting popular until she googled it a few months later.

Let me introduce you to All-Seeing Seneca or just Seneca, the 27-year-old American-Chinese artist without whom the NFT world would not be the same.

When it comes to art, this NFT artist has chameleon-like abilities, having a wide range of artistic abilities and the capability of drawing according to the subject matter and project. The characters featured in her art have such expressiveness, that one might think she has brought them to life.

In December, Seneca launched her debut series as part of a collection called Iconoclast. The four pieces of NFT art she mined garnered around $84,000.


Larva Labs was launched in 2017 by a two-person team made up of Canadian software developers Matt Hall and John Watkinson. Larva Labs is the residence for many experimental projects, notwithstanding web infrastructure on a very big scale and software for chromosomal analysis. 

Recently, Matt and John have come out with a new project they named ‘The Meebits’ which features almost 20,000 three-dimensional characters which are up for trade through Ethereum Blockchain. It has been forecasted to bring in tens of millions of dollars.

Their best and most widely celebrated NFT project ‘Cryptopunks’ grosses at more than $550 million. Many new NFTs are popping up all over the block, but only a few possess the same pizzaz and energy that Cryptopunks have.


Gary Vaynerchuk or GaryVee as he’s better known in his circles is an investor and financier for renowned tech companies such as Venmo, Snapchat, and Uber. However, much of his fame comes from his NFT collection, VeeFriends, based on a sense of community and kinship which revolves around inventiveness that has an all-time average price of $40,128 per token.

Even his hand-drawn doodles were auctioned for a mind-blowing amount of $1.2 million.

There’s no better word to describe Gary Vaynerchuk, the founder and chairman of VaynerX, other than visionary. He has a sharp eye for trends in businesses and culture and supports individuals with progressive ideas to gain better knowledge of the markets and consumer behavior. He has a lot of influence over the NFT market and has brought NFTs to new heights. He certainly is well-deserving of his place in the list of top NFT creators. 


A self-declared ‘3-D artist with unreal futuristic aesthetic’, Blake Kathryn is an LA-based NFT artist with an art style featuring exquisite landscapes, a detailed color palette, and futuristic designs. She brings a fresh adjustment to NFT art with multifaceted works ranging from a variety of different themes and industries. A few of her best NFT work circles around the fashion and music industry, however, she’s most comfortable when playing with dreamscapes and themes of nature.

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She has worked with some big names including Fendi, Jimmy Choo, Lil Nas X, Paris Hilton, and even the vodka brand, Smirnoff.

The total value of her artwork stands at a colossal $3,635,755.90.  

Blake Kathryn is one of the foremost digital artists in graphics, iconography, and branding, all thanks to NFT.


Eloquent Italian art duo, Nadia Squarci, and Sergio Scalet picked up the pseudonym HACKATAO to showcase their talent. Considered to be trailblazers of NFT art in their homeland, this duo has a very distinctive art style, playing off each other’s strengths and backing up weaknesses, is it any question why they’re on the list of top NFT creators?

HACKATAO is a blend of ‘Hack’ and ‘Tao’, the former pointing towards the happiness of exploring what lies underneath the skin and the latter bringing attention to the dark and light of the innovative dynamic balance, as HACKATAO isn’t just one artist but a duo.

Along with references to history, symbolism, and psychology highlighting major issues of the society including the rundown environment and economy, their art features whirls and detailed patterns full of color and graffiti-like artwork, all coming together to create avant-garde pieces of  NFT creations.

HACKATAO has sold around 9184 pieces of art, with the total artwork value sitting at $43,588,221.90.


Completely anonymous, XCOPY is a London-based NFT artist. He is a prominent NFT artist and is best known for his work ‘Right-click and Save as guy’ NFT which was sold for an eye-watering amount of $7.09 million in December 2021. He garnered approximately $24 million in just minutes when his latest work dropped. 

XCOPY is the original tough guy of the NFT world. This NFT artist has a dark edgy style with artworks being gritty, dire, and apocalyptic, and the beaming imagery, flashing at you might catch you unsuspecting.

XCOPY has a luxurious body of art that is worth more than $43 million at the moment.


American transgender teen, Victor Langlois or FEWOCiOUS as he goes by nowadays is one of the lead rising NFT artists. He started creating art when he was 13 and sold his first painting at just 17. He dived into NFT art after she changed schools and struggled with loneliness as well having a tough time at home. 

This NFT creator’s art is well renowned for its hallmark mesmerizingly beautiful undertone, with a mixture of the past, mimicry of day-to-day events and a peek into the imaginary world of an average high school student. FEWOCiOUS’s work reminds you of collage work done by children but quite not at the same time. With a very evident adult edge and vivid, eye-catching, and pop-fantastical style, his digital NFT art gives us a glimpse into his art. 

This 18-year old artist has sold a whopping 3189 pieces, with his work fetching a hefty price of $17 million per year. Not too bad for someone so ferocious?

12. WhIsBe

This New York-based NFT artist goes by the pseudonym WhIsBe a which is short for ‘What Is Beauty?’ His real name or identity is unverified but that’s okay. His street and fine art speak well enough for him anyway.

His work has been displayed in various museum collections and public installation places including The New Museum in New York, MOCO Museum in Amsterdam, and real estate developer Larry Silverstein’s rebuilt World Trade Center complex.

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 WhIsBe is best known for his exasperating social commentary by placing innocent imagery within provocative content. His art has been auctioned off many times with price tags ranging from $2188 to $7680.

His emblematic NFT series ‘Vandal Gummy Bear’ has portrayals of various colors and textures. More than 1650 NFTs have been sold, $4500 being the average price per sale. Priced at $1,000,000, featuring a golden gummy bear skeleton in a cage is his highest-grossing piece. 


Frederick Duquette or better known as Fvkreder is a digital artist who’s mostly self-taught. He started out by working at a restaurant to support himself and he devoted the majority of his free time to teaching himself 3-D art software. 

This NFT creator started his journey by creating one piece of art a day and made this a tradition for himself, which he well continued for the next 5 years. During all those years, he developed and sharpened his skills and over time secured his position as one of the most successful NFT artists in Canada.

His style in art is quite unique with splotches of futuristic and mechanical methodology mixed together. For him, all his artwork is a type of self-therapy and he uses it to elucidate and overcome his past trauma. The Van Gogh of 2022, wouldn’t you agree?

He has sold around 1970 pieces of digital art, with each one averaging $4541, firmly securing his label as one of the top NFT artists.


Phillipe or Alotta Money, as he’s known in the NFT scenes, is, unfortunately, the NFT artist that is with us no more. However, his NFT arts and contributions make it very hard to leave him off the list of top NFT creators.

This beloved French NFT creator has a one-of-a-kind style of art that was highly sought after and was showcased at various galleries and events including NFT Paris.

Alotta Money was best known for his Twitter banner arts and his desecration of classical art. He was also a well-known architect and designer in the Metaverse. Much of his work can be found on many of the leading platforms for NFT art. Alotta Money’s artwork averaged at an all-time price of $950,524,773,92.38. That’s a lot of money, huh? He definitely lived up to his name, that’s for sure.

He was one of the OG NFT artists and truly redefined the world of digital art.


Dmitri Cherniak is widely known in the world of crypto. His taste in art is extremely broad-ranging with a mixture of geometric or minimalistic art and portraits. Even though he has sold just 17 NFTs, you should not underestimate him. The price for just one of his creations averages a shocking $459,357.

Cherniak’s art is very simple yet it has a certain pull to it, with immaculate lines, RGB coloring schemes, and soft strokes, and in the end, this is what makes him stand out from other NFT creators who go for a more dark and edgy vibe with their art.


Whether you are an expert or a newcomer to the world of NFT art, let our guide lead you to unique, eclectic, and one-of-a-kind digital art and the artists behind them. 

Although digital art is still growing, it shows much promise to grow and serves as a medium for expressing oneself, and NFTs provide a path for artists and creators to engage with their fans. 

It will be exciting to watch the rise of this particular field.

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