7 Ways How Churches Make Money? An Insight Story

The church is spiritual, and no spiritual place on earth runs for profit. Like every other organization, they have their expenses, including utility, maintenance, ministry charges, and rituals. And for that, they need to have money. So many people are curious to know how they made money. 

90% of the money that churches make globally comes from donations and charity. Usually, people in the community donate to their churches, which keeps them running. But they cannot rely on donations to meet their ends because the expenses of a church increase over time because of increases in activities and inflation. So they do some other activities to make money. 

Some countries even have departments to take care of their churches, and these departments fund local churches to keep operating. Here is the list of seven ways a church makes money. 

7 Ways Churches Make Money

  1. Direct Donations
  2. Crowdfunding Activities
  3. Auctions
  4. Property Renting
  5. Arranging Events & Shows
  6. Open For-Profit Companies
  7. Stalls & Commodities Sale

1. Direct Donations

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One of the most common ways of making money in churches is through direct donations and offerings. You might have seen a donation box in churches where people donate their money to churches. Sometimes church committees call for donations when needed, and people directly donate to them. 

Usually, at festivals, people donate more than on other days. Some churches even have a monthly donation scheme with some community members who donate every month. Some people even associate a portion of their income with churches. We have some cases where people left some proportion of their wealth for the church, which is how churches make money. 

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2. Crowdfunding Activities

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Another way churches make money is through crowdfunding. This is a relatively new concept where organizations call for funds from a large group of people. Churches do the same by calling out donations through the internet, which engages people from the town and the entire world. 

We have seen cases where people have raised enormous amounts of money for any particular cause. 

3. Auctions

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Auctions are one of the most used forms of making money for non-profit organizations. Usually, auctions attract philanthropists, companies, and influential people in society to bid for things, and the money raised from it will go to charity. In town churches, we cannot expect big names and expensive items. Usually, the community brings stuff themselves, auctioning them for donations, including paintings and artifacts. Some churches that are hundreds of years old auction their antiques to make money. 

Churches or other organizations often arrange auction events to contribute to the cause. 

4. Property Renting

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Churches that have property either around the church or someone who donated their property to the church are used to make money. Churches rent these properties to raise funds for their needs. They can also sell them if needed. If a church plans to build a community center, it might sell some of its property to fund the project. 

We have seen churches with a lot of property that they put on rent to make money, and they use that money for the church and other community service activities. 

5. Arranging Events & Shows

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Churches organize events and shows for the community and charge the people for it; the profit from that collection goes to the church. It can be a talent show, concert, football match, fun fest, food fest, or Christmas party. People used to come here just to support the cause. Churches usually have their stalls with volunteers selling different things. 

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All the profit generated from these events goes to church funds. 

6. Open For-Profit Companies

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If a church has enough funds, it might open a business that runs for profit, and all the profits will be used to finance the needs of the church and community. Some churches have these stores, and other companies hire war veterans, widows, or disabled people as their employees. With that, they support these people by giving them employment opportunities, and the profits are used for community service and church. 

7. Stalls & Commodities Sale

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Churches sell different commodities and things to raise money for their expenses. It can be some artwork, cookies, lemonade, flower shop, or any other type of stall or commodity that people use. The earnings from the sales go to church funds which are utilized for church expenses and community service. 


We have discussed above the conventional ways churches make money to do their service, but there are many other ways they fulfill their needs. You may have a church in your locality, and you can easily judge how they are making money to be in service.

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