How To Quit A Job Over Email

Quitting a job can be a problematic and emotional experience. You may have developed strong connections with your co-workers if you have been employed for an extended time. However, there will come a time in your journey when you have to push on to a new opportunity.

When you are ready to quit your job, it is crucial to do so professionally. This means leaving in person and giving your employer two weeks’ notice. However, there may be situations where this is not possible. If you need to quit your job over email, there are specific steps you should take to ensure the whole procedure can go as smoothly as possible.

If you need help quitting your job over email, this blog is for you. In this article, I will give you tips on writing a resignation email that’s both professional and courteous.

What Is A Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter is a worker’s official note to report to the employer of their purpose for leaving their job. Resignation letters should include the following information:

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  • The date the employee will leave the organization.
  • A comprehensive statement of the grounds for the resignation.
  • An expression of gratitude for the opportunity to work at the organization.
  • A request for a smooth transition time.

Resignation Letters should be addressed to the employee’s direct supervisor or HR manager. Employees who maintain a good relationship with their supervisor may also choose to cc them on the letter.

Is It Ok To Resign Over Email? 

Well, it’s not unusual for employees to resign over email in today’s digital world. Even though it may be the most suitable option for some, it’s better to consider the potential consequences of leaving in this way.

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For example, if you choose to resign over email, your employer may not be able to provide you with consideration in the future. Quitting over email may not convey the professional move that your employer deserves. It is always best to do this in person, but if you cannot, leaving over email is acceptable.

If you do decide to resign over email, be sure to craft a respectful and professional message. Please include your contact information if your employer has any questions, and thank them for the chance to work under their supervision.

How To Quit Over Email?

When you resign from a job, it’s important to do it in a respectful and considerate style of your employer. Even though you will likely need references from your time at the company, you want to be fierce and transparent about your decision to leave. Your resignation letter is not the place to vent your frustrations or get even with your boss. Follow these  tips on how to write a resignation letter:

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  • Be polite and positive.
  • Make sure to write it precisely and to the point.
  • Provide your contact information.
  • Mention your departure date, and thank your employer.
  • Try to end your journey on good terms!

Here’s a sample notice of resignation via email:

To [Name of Your Manager]: Please accept this email as notice of my resignation from [Name of Company] effective [Date of Resignation]. I thank you for the chance to work with [Name of Company].

I have appreciated the period  I have spent here and the opportunity to work with the talented and driven team. Thank you for the opportunity, and I hope you and the organization succeed in future endeavours. Sincerely,[Your Name]

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Whether moving on to a new opportunity or taking some time off, you want to ensure you do it properly. Quitting your job over email has some advantages. It’s equal to any formal way to convey your decision to your employer. It also lets you have a written document of your resignation.

And it gives you a moment to compose a courteous message. I hope you got your answer. Thanks for reading!

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