Fed Up of Work From Home? Here are Some Tips to Keep you Motivated

The idea of working from home has been around for a while. It is a popular choice for people who want to have more freedom at work and a flexible schedule. But, there are some disadvantages to this as well. 

One of the disadvantages is that it can be hard to stay motivated when you’re working all by yourself on your own time without deadlines, without any coworkers to provide feedback or encouragement, and without any managers telling you what needs to happen next in order to meet the company’s goals.

Just a while ago, I was doing part-time work from home job and it completely changed my perspective on working from home. Prior to this, I thought working from home is a piece of cake; undemanding and definitely trouble-free but hear me out, I was wrong! 

In no time, I was fed up with work from home and I honestly wished I could go back to working at an office. Working from home can be tiring and relatively challenging. It’s harder for you to focus when there are distractions in your home like kids running around or your parents calling you out, or if your house isn’t set up in an optimal way for work.

However, if we talk about facts; a new study determined that Working from Home increases 20% Employee Happiness!

When I found out about it, I wondered if I was doing something wrong and that’s when I realized my working patterns and started following some tips and tricks to concentrate more and feel less tired. 

Why do you Easily Get Fed up Working from Home?

Working from home sounds like a dream for many people. You can get up when you want to, wear whatever you want, do whatever you want, and take breaks whenever you please. But the problem is that it can be really difficult to focus and stay on task when working from home.

In an office setting, there are many distractions that make it hard to focus: coworkers talking in the hallways, people stopping by your desk or cubicle to chat, phone calls coming in every few minutes, etc. It’s easy to get distracted because there are so many things happening around us all of the time. 

When we work from home, we don’t have those same distractions and it becomes much easier for us to get lost in our own thoughts and daydreams which in reality are more intrusive. 

This makes us lose track of time and we get puzzled and frustrated to complete the task in time. You feel like the people around you are causing you to lose concentration when in reality, it’s all you! 

Stress From Working From Home

Tips for Working From Home:

Working from home is not for everyone. It can be isolating, and some people find it hard to focus on their work. Here are some tips to help you stay productive and focused when working from home.

1. Designated Work Space:

Find a space that is designated for your work. This will help you feel more motivated and less likely to get distracted by the rest of your home life.

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2. Scheduling:

Use a timer or set a schedule for yourself so that you know when it’s time to take a break or start working on something else.

3. Stay Connected with Team Mates:

Find ways to stay connected with your coworkers outside of the office like video chats, phone calls, and social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. This will keep you feeling connected with people who are important in your life while still allowing you the freedom of being able to work from anywhere!

4. Improve your Ambience:

Have an office space with a door that closes. This will help you feel more like you’re in the office and not just at home. Inform your family members to not disturb you when they see you working so that you can keep your tempo maintained. 

5. Snap out of your Thoughts:

Honestly, I feel like this is the main reason why I personally get really fed up with work very easily. You need to keep reminding yourself that you have deadlines to meet, someone to answer to, and a job to do to stay out of your thoughts and daydreams!

6. Chill and be Comfortable:

Find ways to get out of the house for meetings or for lunch, even if it’s just for an hour or two every day. Get out of your pajamas and put on clothes that make you feel professional and put together, even if they are just sweatpants!

7. Meditate or Exercise:

When you’re on a break, make sure you do some stretching exercises or yoga to boost your body and mind. This makes you more active and increases the chances of maximum productivity. 

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8. Change your Job:

If you continue to feel fed up with working from home and can’t do it anymore, you need to change your job and apply to a place that offers work from the office. 

Bottom Line:

Working from home has its benefits like you don’t have to commute, you save on gas money, etc, but it can also get a little bit too much. The tips I shared above will help you stay sane and make the most of your work from home experience.

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