How To Buy A Domain Name

Ready to start a website for a blog? Or maybe to take your business on the internet? Whatever the reason may be, the first step of starting a website is to buy a domain name.

A domain name is a name your website will have for years to come. Your visitors will recognize and remember you by this name, which means you need to be serious when picking up a domain name.

The rule of thumb when it comes to buying domain names is to get a memorable, short domain name, followed by .com.

Now that you have a good idea of what you’re doing, let’s get started with the procedure.

Table of Contents

Step #1 Finding A Domain Provider

There are TONS of options for you when it comes to buying a domain.

But, it is very important to only go for a domain provider that is trusted and reliable.

To help you pick up a provider, here’s a list of the best domain providers on the internet:

You may find many other domain registrars that can offer you domain names at a cheaper price than the companies mentioned above, however, since they’re not reliable and popular providers, you may end up getting suffocated with hidden fees or even a scam.

Note: The best practice for starting a website is to buy the domain and hosting from the same provider. This can help you stay away from future practical troubles in maintaining and renewing the website.

Step #2 Picking A Domain Name And Extension

A domain name is the name of the website while the extension is the suffix of the website.

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For example, for, facebook is the domain name while .com is the extension.

To get started, search for your desired domain name on the domain provider’s website.

If the domain name is available, you should be viewing a number of options for your desired name with different extensions.

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Depending on your business type, choose the most appropriate extension.

If you’re confused, here’s a helpful guide.

  • If your business is limited to representing a single country, go for country extensions e.g. .uk or .us.
  • If your business represents a government or educational organization, go for .edu or .gov.
  • If your business represents any other kind of business, go for a .com. If that’s not affordable or available, choose any other extension like .org, .net, or .online.

Should You Get A .com Extension?

The .com extension is the most popular, expensive, and trusted one. Studies suggest around 70% of people still trust .com extensions more than any other extension.

While the other extensions don’t really have any flaws, many websites are scamming or fraud websites, which makes them prone to distrust by visitors.

However, there are still many big businesses that have websites without the .com extension that are trusted by millions, so feel free to experiment.

Step #3 Purchasing The Right Domain Fit For Your Business

Hopefully, following the above-mentioned steps, you found your desired domain name available and affordable.

Now all you need to do is register for the domain.

Most domain providers should have a Buy Now or Add To Cart option beside the domain name of your choosing which takes you to the checkout of finalizing your purchase.

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Before buying a domain, consider the following factors:

  • Read up on the Domain Expiration Policy, and make sure it includes payment reminders or automatic renewal options.
  • Many domain providers also offer Add-On Services. Make sure to compare them with your options to get the best value out of your purchase.
  • If you think it’s possible you might end up selling your domain for a profit, make sure to read the Domain Transfer Policy to make sure what fees and processes a possible transfer will accompany.

Once all that is done, choose the period that you want to buy the domain name for and create an account on the domain provider’s website.

You should now be expected to make a payment. Most domain providers will have multiple payment options including VISA, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, etc.

Select your preferred option and enter your payment details.

Once your payment is processed, you should receive a confirmation email informing you that the domain is yours!


Congratulations on buying a domain name and starting up your own website.

After you’re done purchasing a domain name, remember to verify your domain from the confirmation email and get a hosting plan for your website.

Confused between servers and hosting? Check out Hosting Vs. Server – What’s The Difference?

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