How to Find an Old Post on Facebook? It’s Simpler than You Think!

Have you felt the need to locate your previous posts on Facebook?

Three years back, you shared a group photo of your friends on your birthday, and now you want to go back and relive that nostalgic memory. Or maybe a like or comment you want to edit. You must be wondering if that can happen easily. Yes, it can happen in a matter of seconds.

Facebook Inc has recently introduced the search feature that allows users to seek out people and old posts. It lets you find any old post, whether it’s yours or of your friends. The platform stores all your data. Within a quick search, you can get back to your desired post.

Facebook posts can be a photo with a caption, text-based status, a video, birthday posts, any event, any post you were tagged on, or any post you shared from any source or profile. 

If you are looking for the easiest way to find an old post on Facebook you did years back, then this write-up is for you.

So, Let’s dive into the methods to search for old Facebook posts.

4 Methods to Search Old Facebook Posts 

In this blog, you will learn the easiest methods for searching an old post on Facebook.

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Method 1: Through Search Profile

  • Open your Facebook App
  • Tap on three dotted lines that show besides adding to the story.
  • You will find the search profile option below.
  • Now enter keywords to search 
  • Then click the search button or enter from the keyboard 
  • Strain your search through filter mode.
  • Click on the filter tab to select an option
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Method 2: Through Post Filters

  • Go to your Facebook profile or timeline.
  • Click the icon for ‘Filters’ next to the settings icon.
  • Select the year, month, or date you want to return to. 
  • Select what you want to see, post by you or the tagged posts
  • This filter lets you access the old post from that particular time in chronological order.

Method 3: Through Facebook Search Bar

The easiest and most effective way to search anything on Facebook is via the Facebook search bar, especially when you are short on time and don’t want to jump into other ways. Let’s discover.

  • Tap on Facebook Search Browser
  • Write my post and “the exact subject” that you are searching for.
  • Click ‘enter’ or on the magnifying glass for results.
  • Now everything that you have posted previously for that specific search will appear.
  • You can also search with the keyword only followed by filter options like ( All, Posts, People, Photos, Videos)
  • The Facebook search bar helps locate wide results from people you do or do not follow. 

Method 4: Through Activity Log

This method works best for tracking your posts or activity. Activity log features many options that help search for any particular post type.

  • Login to your Facebook account
  • Open your profile 
  • Under your cover photo, on the right-hand side, three dots, horizontal dots appear
  • A menu pops up with a label activity log. Click that.
  • That click to activity log will lead you to a new page
  • Different sections appear here, which makes it easy to search 
  • All your past activities are recorded here to track, and you can only see this for maintaining privacy.
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Which Method Did You Find Best?

Facebook being the king of all social media platforms is updating now and then for its user’s benefit. Facebook features are becoming more straightforward and user-friendly. 

If you want to find your old post on Facebook, the above-discussed methods are easy to use and completely safe keeping users’ privacy in consideration.

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