How To Unlock Permanently Locked Snapchat Account

Snapchat is a popular social media platform that has more than 200 million active users. It is mostly used by teenagers and young adults.

It’s not uncommon to have a locked Snapchat account. It can happen when you forgot your Snapchat login password or when someone else logged in on your account without permission.

The worst-case scenario would be having your account locked for 24 hours and not being able to send any messages.

Luckily, with the recent update of Snapchat, there are several ways you can try to unlock your account without contacting Snapchat support.

There are many methods that can be used to unlock a locked Snapchat account. We will be looking at some of them in this article so that you can make an informed decision about how to go about doing it.

Types of Snapchat Locked Accounts

Snapchat has also become a place where people can send inappropriate content to others and even send nude photos without consent. This has led to many people wanting to temporarily lock their Snapchat accounts.

There are several ways that someone can temporarily lock their Snapchat account, but there are some things that need to be considered before locking it for good.

If someone wants to lock their account for any reason, they should do so with caution because there is no way of unlocking it in the future if they change their mind.

Snapchat messages are deleted after they have been viewed by the recipient. When someone receives a snap, they can only view it for a maximum of 10 seconds before it disappears forever.

if you want to permanently lock your account and make sure your snaps never get seen, you can do so in just three easy steps:

  • Open Snapchat on your device
  • Go to Settings
  • Tap on “Permanently Delete My Account”
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Ways To Unlock A Permanently Locked Snapchat Account

If you have forgotten your password and locked yourself out of your account, you can use a third-party app to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat account.

1. Use Online Apps to Unlock

There are many apps available on the internet that claim to be able to unlock permanently locked Snapchat accounts but it is better to use one of the trusted ones like SnapCracker or Snap Toolbox.

2. Using Snapchat Support’s Help to Unlock

Unlocking a locked Snapchat account is not as hard as it seems. There are many methods to unlock a locked Snapchat account, but the best way is to contact Snapchat and ask for help.

Most people are not aware of this, but it is possible to unlock a permanently locked Snapchat account by following these steps:

a) Go to the official website of the company and search for the customer care section.

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b) Select the “Chat” or “Email” option and fill in your details such as your name, email address, phone number, and problem description with screenshots if necessary.

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c) Wait for the customer service representative’s response!

Unlock A Temporarily Locked Snapchat Account

What does it mean when a Snapchat account is temporarily locked?

This means that the account holder has not followed the company’s guidelines for using the app. The guidelines are usually set out in terms of how many times you can send or receive messages in a given time period, or how many people you can be friends with at once. If you break one of these rules, then your account will be temporarily locked until you follow the rules again.

There are several ways from which you can unlock your temporarily locked account.

1. Unlock from the browser

There are two ways to unlock your Snapchat account.

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The first is by using the email address associated with your account and the second is by using a phone number.

If you have forgotten your email address but remember your phone number then you can use that to unlock Snapchat.

2. Change the password

This section will give you a step-by-step guide on how to change your Snapchat password on your phone.

1) Open the Snapchat app on your phone and go to the Settings tab.

2) Tap “Login Verification” and select “Change Password.”

3) Enter a new password and confirm it.

4) Enter the old password one more time to confirm that you’ve typed it correctly.

5) Tap “Save” to save your new password.

3. Log Out From your Snapchat Account On All Devices

Logging out from the Snapchat account on all devices is a very important and necessary step to take. It is not enough to just log out of the app on one device.

If you want to unlock your account for good, you need to log out from all devices that are associated with it.

This will ensure that your account is unlocked and no one can access it anymore. You can also use this as a safety measure so that if any of your friends or family accidentally logs into your account, they won’t be able to see anything or send messages. 

4. Update account number

If you are still unable to access your account, then the last resort is to change your phone number. Snapchat lets you change your phone number anytime you want. You can follow these steps to change your phone number.

a. Open the Snapchat app and tap on the ghost icon in the top left corner of your screen.

b. Tap on “Settings” and then “Account”.

c. Tap on “Change Number” and enter your new phone number.

d. Then tap on “Save”.

5. Change the password of your account

Changing your password can be a good idea if you want to make sure that your account is more secure.

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Password is the key to your account. When someone has access to it, they can do anything with your account. Your personal information, photos, and other files can be accessed without you knowing.

Reset your password by going to the settings page and selecting “Forgot Password?”. If you cannot remember your password, then you will need to use the backup email address and answer the security question correctly.

Reasons Why Your Snapchat Account Is Permanently Locked

Snapchat has been locking accounts for various reasons. Some of these reasons include:

  • A user’s phone number has been changed and not updated on the account
  • A user’s email address has been changed and not updated on the account
  • A user is trying to log in from a new device that hasn’t been used before on the account
  • The account was inactive for a long period of time
  • The account was reported as compromised by someone else

Actually rather simple, Snapchat locks your account if you don’t use it for a while. If you’re not actively using the app, then it’s possible to lose your account and all of the information that goes with it if you don’t log in and maintain your account.

Bottom Line

A Snapchat account can be locked permanently if you have entered your password wrong too many times. If you have entered your password wrong more than 6 times, then your account will be locked permanently without any option of unlocking it again.

It is very easy to get locked out of a Snapchat account. The first thing you should do is to make sure that you have a backup phone in case something goes wrong..

If you are still unable to get into your account, then you will need to contact Snapchat support for help. They will be able to unlock your account for free if they can identify that it was not hacked or stolen from another person.

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