Don’t Want To Work a 9-5 Anymore (9 Months Switching Guide

If you’re tired of working a 9-5, there are a few things you can do to make the transition. First, save up as much money as you can. This will help you cover your living expenses, Second, Select a new industry/Business you want to work in, Third, Get entry-level skills or mentorship in the selected niche and grow in it.

In this blog, I will share my own experience and my 9-month guide on how you can stop working as an employee if you don’t want to work a 9-5 anymore.

Though traditional 9-5 employment places life in place, builds an early morning and somewhat assures job security. But this is different from what you envision from the beginning. It is not what your childhood dream is. You aim for excellence.

I switched from a full-time employee to a full-time blogger in 9 months. When I was working as a full-time employee in a digital agency, I felt like, I was stuck in it. I had to do a lot of repetitive tasks all day for long weeks and it didn’t make me happy at all. All I knew was that I wanted to switch and get my freedom back.

But just like they say, everything has a price, and however the full-time job was, it was paying all the bills.

Then how did I make it? I simply planned my switch with a rational format of decisions.

7 Steps You Need To Take Before Taking Any Big Decision

If you’re tired of working a 9-5, there are a few things you can do to make the transition.

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1. Identify Your Emotional State

Take a deep breath and look at your current situation more rationally to identify your relevant problem area.

First, think about your current situation and why you’re unhappy. 

  • Are you underpaid? 
  • Unappreciated? 
  • Bored?
  • Stressed? 

All of these are valid reasons to look for a new job or some other opportunity.

Remember this: Do not get emotional over a recent incident in the office and make an emotional decision to quit. This is not how it should go in the first place.

2. Consider How Finically Stable You Will Be

Which means looking at your current financial situation. Whether you can afford to stand by the decision to quit your job, can you afford three months of living without working 9 to 5? You have to be in a position against the possibility of finding a more financially stable situation.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is your monthly expense?
  • Can you survive without a salary?
  • If yes then for how many months?
  • How many people in your family depend on you working a 9-5?

I would suggest considering your net income spending in 3 segments:
1. Amount spent on needs (Food, Medicine, Rent /Morgage, etc)
2. Secondary requirements (Maid, petrol, Mobile Top-ups)
3. Luxuries

My motivation here was the fact that I had side hustles going on already. Even without a salary, I could make the ends meet for surviving with funds for needs and secondary requirements.

You can usually meet your needs and secondary requirements for 50% of your current salary. Though this might vary greatly from person to person.

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3. Start Saving & Budget Before Quitting Your Job

You should have 3 months’ worth of salary and some additional savings saved in your account.

If you are the one whose job is distressing and want to quit your job no matter what. Then take work at least enough so that you have savings that will help you in the future.

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Having a financial cushion will save you from mental stress and help you transition into your new life.

Make a budget and stick to it.

Take a close look at your spending and see where you can cut back. 

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4. Make S-M-A-R-T Goals

You have to think about your long-term goals. Is your current job helping you get closer to where you desire to be? But if you are stuck, it might be time to move on. Just make realistic goals, and you can achieve them.

Creating S.M.A.R.T goals helps you to transition smoothly into your next career. If you have a plan that you will do after quitting your job.

Hybrid Transition Strategy:

Add new learning and implementation timeslots to your schedule. Invest at least 2 hours a day, seven days a week to prepare for the transition. This hybrid transition phase will increase your chances of success.

Do not sleep after spending 8-9 hours for someone else’s business, and not working for yourself.

During this time, you can also compare the new industry with your current job and get a feel of what your next life might be like before you burn any bridges.

It is better to write pros and cons with it and make goals accordingly. Your goals should be:

  • Small.
  • Measurable.
  • Achievable.
  • Relevant.
  • Time-bound.
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5. Don’t Look For Shortcuts

Millionaires don’t make their wealth by climbing the corporate ladder. They built their ladder. But if you’re looking to become rich or Richie-rich, you won’t succeed as an employee. 

You can still result in millions of dollars at the end of your career. By investing your salary and compounding interest, you indeed can!  However, if you want tens of millions or hundreds of millions, the best advice is don’t be an employee for long.

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6. Take Someone Advice

Before you leave your job, it’s crucial to take someone’s advice. A person who has been in your shoes before knows what you’re going through. Talk to your buddies, family, or even an adviser. They can advise you on what to do and what to expect.

Here, I want you to keep something in mind. You are the one who is going to make the final decisions and you’re the one responsible for it. Taking advice will give you a heads-up on the road you will get on, driving responsibly is still your job.

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7. Avoid Making Choices That You Will Later Regret

Some people search for an escape without considering their future selves. It makes sense and can be challenging to keep working your 9 to 5 job. At the same time, you should make a decision that won’t leave you with empty pockets and regrets.

Above all, don’t fear failing.  It’s okay to be afraid of failing. It’s natural. The important thing is not to let your fear of failure stop you from reaching your goals.

Yes, you will make mistakes along the way.

Yes, you will have bad days. But that’s all part of the journey.

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Some prefer the typical 9 to 5 job schedule because it seems like a structured lifestyle. Those who expect different things from life may find it exhausting. You may not like the person you work for or find it challenging to balance work and personal obligations.

If you’re still on the fence, it’s okay to take some time to think about your decision.

Just have a firm exit and backup plans on the safe side.

Please don’t rely on one approach and tie all your hope to it, made a decision based on their scenario and the circumstances.

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