How much money can I make from AdSense with 1000 visitors per day?

Although the exact amount may vary on the type of content, the topic of content (niche), and the demographic of traffic, You are expected to make anywhere from $1 to $25 for every 1000 visitors.

In my experience, a longer form of content works best for blogs monetized with Adsense as they retain traffic for higher session duration and has lower bounce rates. 

You can increase your Adsense income from the same amount of traffic with just a few tweaks and the right strategy on your website. If you are making less than $5 per 1000 visitors at the moment then let me help you double that number. The more vigilantly you follow the guide, the more it helps.

Before you can implement my strategy you must quickly understand a few terms that I am using.

Some web metrics that you must understand are:

  • Session duration (The average duration of time a user spends on a website)
  • Ad Density (The number of ads per page)
  • CPM (Cost Per 1000 Impressions -For Advertiser)
  • CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • Audience Demographic (Location of traffic audience)

Each of the above metrics has an impact on your overall ad revenue and let me explain here how.

5 Secrets to Increase Adsense Revenue Per 1000 Visitors

1. Higher Session Duration Increases Ads Revenue:

Longer session durations tend to result in higher ad revenue, as users are more likely to see and click on ads when they are actively engaged with a website or app.

Other than that, a Longer session duration also gives Google a positive signal that the audience is satisfied with the content provided by your website.

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How can you increase the session duration per visitor?

This is simple, work a bit on your content length, and increase the font size of body content and headings. A lot of times, I see blogs having font sizes as small as 9 or 12. I recommend using font size 17-20 as it is more visible and increases overall session duration without messing up with display aesthetics. 

2. Target First Tier Countries

Advertisers are more likely to target ads at users in developed countries since they are generally more affluent and therefore more likely to make purchases. This results in more money being generated through AdSense from traffic originating in developed countries.

Learn more metrics here.

EPMV (Earnings per thousand visitors)

This metric is commonly used by Ezoic to determine how much you are expected to make for every 1000 visitors.

High EMPV countries:

  • United States – Almost always the highest, as a huge amount is spent on advertising in America.
  • United Kingdom – Often very close behind or equal to the USA.

Medium-High EMPV countries:

  • Canada – Often a little behind the USA and UK, but still decent earnings per thousand pageviews.
  • Australia – Same as Canada.
  • Switzerland
  • Sometimes France and Germany, but does vary.

Medium EMPV Countries:

  • Germany
  • France
  • Netherlands
  • Italy (sometimes lower – can vary)
  • Portugal
  • New Zealand
  • Ireland

In case of traffic coming from developed countries, your average CPM will be $4 to $6.

Lower EPMV Countries:

  • Spain
  • Greece
  • Other poorer countries in southern and eastern Europe
  • Brazil
  • South and Central America in general
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Srilanka

Almost all third world or developing countries have lower EMPVs.

3. Choose or Pivot From Niche Wisely

Your AdSense income for every 1000 visitors is also greatly impacted by the niche you are working in. Your industry also defines how much money you make.

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Rank (Best to worst)NICHEPredicted Revenue per 1000 Visitors
1Business & Finance$10.02
4Health & Fitness$6.80
5Home & Architecture$6.80
6Government & Politics$6.80
8Beauty & Fashion$6.12
9Family & Parenting$6.12
13Web Design & Development$4.76
14Food and Drink$4.76
Data Souce: Network Media

4. Write Advertiser-Friendly Content

Think of your website as a brand in business and keep in mind that you are writing this content to get the audience’s attention on ad spots too. Try to write more on in-demand topics that cater to relevant products or services. 

When you start writing, ask yourself about the type of ad someone would like to place on this post. Think about your target audience and what they are more interested in.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose a topic that is relevant to the products or services that your potential advertisers are selling.
  • Write in a clear and concise manner that is easy for readers to understand.
  • Avoid using profanity or other offensive language.
  • Make sure your content is original and not plagiarized from other sources. 
  • Regularly update your blog with fresh content to keep readers coming back.

By following these tips, you can increase the chances that your blog content will be attractive to potential advertisers.

5. Increasing Ad Density Can Increase Revenue

The more ads there are on a page, the more likely a user is to click on one, which generates revenue for the site.

In general, higher ad densities may lead to more ad impressions and higher click-through rates. However, if ad density is too high, it may reduce the visibility of individual ads and lead to lower click-through rates. 

See also  How to Contact Google Adsense Directly Using Email? 

The optimal ad density for maximizing revenue may vary depending on the specific context and goals of the website.

Some website owners may be concerned about the impact of ad density on the user experience. However, it is important to remember that users are generally more tolerant of ads than website owners think. 

In fact, many users expect to see ads on websites and are not bothered by them as long as they are not excessively intrusive. It is also worth noting that users are more likely to click on ads that are relevant to their interests. 

Therefore, website owners should focus on creating high-quality, targeted ads to ensure that they are being clicked on by the users who are most likely to be interested in them.

6. CPM Is Inversely Proportional to Ad Revenue

CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions and is a metric used to measure the cost-effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The higher the CPM, the less cost-effective the campaign is. 

In terms of ad revenue, a high CPM means that fewer people are clicking on the ads, which results in less revenue.

A low CPM, on the other hand, means that more people are clicking on the ads, which results in more revenue. 

So, in general, a high CPM will have a negative impact on ads revenue, while a low CPM will have a positive impact on ads revenue.

BONUS TIP: Add Tools to Your Website

You can make more money per 1000 visitors from AdSense if you are running a tools website. You must have observed mini tool websites that feature calculators, scanners, and writing assistants. 

In a tool-based website you just have to focus on PR, backlinks, and traffic building while if you are targeting a content-based website, then the regular push of fresh content is required to keep the ball rolling.

You can follow my blueprint on how to start a blog that makes money on autopilot. I have shared tons of valuable information on this adding, milestones, how-to’s and even writing steps. You can also refer to my post on the cost to blog for finance details.

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